I have recently explained here and here how specific and complex the video production can get on the Freeride World Tour.

There was also this article on provideocoalition with a more in-depth interview with myself and editor/adobe trainer Aurelie Monod explaining the workflow on FWT.

After testing various solutions we have chosen to use the Adobe Creative Cloud solutions on the Freeride World Tour.
Last fall I already gave a presentation of our workflows at the SATIS show in Paris. In a few weeks I will be giving the same presentation, this time in english, at the IBC in Amsterdam.

I’m obvioulsy very excited by this opportunity! If you plan on attending IBC come by and say hi! I’ll be giving the presentation 3 times on the Adobe booth:

  • Monday sept 14th, 12:30pm
  • Monday sept 14th, 2:30pm
  • Tuesday sept 15th, 11:00am
  • The typical timeline on a FWT project: